Selasa, 10 Desember 2013


FOLLOWING ARE 8 WAYS INDEPENDENT BUSINESS SUCCESS THAT YOU CAN MAKE AS ONE IN REFERENCE TO START A BUSINESS OR SELF entrepreneurship. HOW SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS WITH THE STEADY CITA CITA. "Hang the sky high as your ambition", said our parents first. To have a successful life, does someone have to have goals or dreams first. Because the dream is the direction we will take in our life journey. Without dreams, life's journey we became misguided. So that all the actions that we do in life becomes ineffective and inefficient. Like a ship that will sail aimlessly circling in the same waters, not far moved from its original position even after a long journey. The journey of life is like a ship before the journey of life that depends on luck, depending on which direction the wind is blowing. It is the journey of life most people in the world.

Many sources say almost 90% of people in the world can not achieve his dream, so just be wishful dream. (Not as high as the sky?)
is not surprising that only a few people can be successful, because most people life is resigned to fate or just control other people. But, you try to think about, "Are you Really Willing to live if you were only 1 time only in this world controlled by fate or controlled by someone else?"
If the answer is "NO", from now determine your own dreams and be the captain of the ship your own life. Navigate your life to achieve your dreams various (sky wherever you hang it) and enjoy your successful life. Maybe someone's dream is to be famous, have lots of money, nice house, nice car, foreign holidays, maybe as high schools, etc.. Whatever your dream, the important thing is you have to know how practical steps to achieve your dream efficiently and effectively. There are 8 miraculous practical steps to realize our dreams: 1. HOW TO BUSINESS SUCCESS Brave makes impian/cita-2

Many people feel "inferior" to make big dreams because they feel he has a variety of limitations than others. For example, because of low education, poor, not good, bad neighborhood, etc.. Napoleon Hill said that "What you think and believe, you will definitely get". If you think that you CAN then you certainly CAN, messed any of your current condition. So make your dreams as attractive as possible so that you feel moved to make it happen. And rest assured that God loves you as his people, and will command the entire universe will help you realize your dream. Tip: If you still do not dare to make your dreams, try to read a book or article or motivational success stories, listening to motivational tapes, attend seminars from motivators, and make friends with those who think positive 2. 2. HOW TO BUSINESS SUCCESS

Define your dream clearly (write / visualize) Write down your dreams on paper clearly and imagine it happening to you. Imagine the joy of achieving that dream. If necessary with the help of pictures / photos. For example, if your dream is to have a BMW 302i, have photos / pictures of the car and imagine the pleasure when you drive it. If you have to go to his showroom, test drive or have a brochure first. 3 WAYS TO BUSINESS SUCCESS Test your dreams, whether it is SMART? Preview whether it has fulfilled the dreams of the SMART criteria, namely: - Specific: can be described in detail - Measurable: can be measured with certainty, for example by time, money, etc. - Achievable: it is still possible to achieve - Realistic: realistic, not making it 2 - Timeable: can be determined how much time achievement If the dream is not SMART, further evaluation of your dreams and revisions to return to step 2 (specify your dreams clearly) if the dream had SMART, convince your subconscious mind, your blood flow, all the cells in your body, that you will definitely get it. You can do the affirmation or the power of law of attraction. 4. HOW TO BUSINESS SUCCESS

Create a "road map" toward your dream

Arrange small steps to do and targets to be achieved in between each stage that passed. If all the measures and targets between the clearly arranged to form a "roadmap" towards your dream. 5. HOW TO BUSINESS SUCCESS WITH Define "Tools / Systems / Vehicle" to achieve your dreams Choose a device or system or way to what you would take "road map" you. Make sure to use the / system / method will ensure you successfully move through each stage of the "road map" and ultimately deliver you achieve the dream. 6. HOW TO BUSINESS SUCCESS Focus all your thoughts and actions to achieve real

Change the attitude of your self! From now on, all the attitudes, actions and thoughts are centered on the scenario "road map" achieve your dreams. Evaluate each action that you will do, "Is it consistent with the scenario?" If not, do not do it! If yes, do it today! (Action now!) No compromise delay time. 7. HOW TO BUSINESS SUCCESS WITH Finish according to plan in the course of achieving dreams Maybe you will experience a lot of failures and disappointments. But whatever happens, you have to finish all according to plan. Remember, no matter in how you hang up the sky to dream, you can definitely achieve it. This has been proven by a lot of successful people in the world. 1 person staying longer necessary to prove, that you are! Langkash Business Success Eighth, if the dream has been reached, create a new dream bigger (back to step 1) If you do the 8 steps of the continuous magic in your life, do not be surprised if the one day you wake up, you've been in the sky where dreams of success have you achieved for the sake of dreams. FREEDOM ....... GO GO GO FREEDOM ... FREEDOM ......

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