Selasa, 10 Desember 2013

4 Ways to Success Trade Enterprises Prophet

In addition to politicians, the Prophet Muhammad, was a prominent merchant. Since a young age, he is regarded as a success sudagar. It could not be separated from the implementation of marketing activities-that is not only powerful but also fits shariah and of course full ridlo of God. If interested apply agan, in addition to benefit, God willing agan business was blessed. amen his vision in Achieving Business Success How to Trade the Prophet is: "That the business transaction is not at all intended to foster personal wealth, but rather to establish the honor and glory of ethical business eminence. The results obtained should be distributed to as many people. " Here's 4 Ways to Success Trade Enterprises Prophet

1.  way the Messenger of Commerce Business Success is  honest is Brand

When trading the young Prophet, known as the Al-Amin (the trustworthy). This attitude was reflected when he was dealing with customers or suppliers.
Prophet Muhammad took stock of goods from Khadijah, a rich tycoon who eventually became his wife. He was very honest with Khadijah. He was honest to the customer. When marketing the goods he explained all the advantages and drawbacks of goods it sells. For Prophet honesty is his brand.

2.  way the Messenger of Commerce Business Success is  Customer Love

In a trade customer Prophet loved as he loved himself. That's why he's serving customers wholeheartedly. In fact, he was not willing to be fooled when buying customers.
attitude is reminiscent of the hadith which he conveyed, "No one's faith that he loves your brother as yourself."

3.  way is the Messenger of Commerce Business Success  Fulfill Promise

The Prophet always sought to fulfill its promises. Word of God, "O ye who believe fulfill your promise." (Surah Al Maidah 3).

In the world of marketing, this means that the Prophet always provide value products as advertised or promised. And for that it took no small effort. Once upon a time the Prophet angrily when no merchants reduce the scales. This is the Prophet tips ensure customer satisfaction (customer satisfaction).

4.  way the Messenger of Commerce Business Success is by choosing  the right Segmentation

The Prophet never angry at the sight of wet corn traders hide on the sidelines of dried corn. It was with the Prophet, when selling goods he has always shown that this is good because this stuff, and this stuff is not good, but it's cheap.

The lesson of the story is that the Prophet always taught us to give good value for the goods sold. At once the Prophet teaches segmentation: the good stuff is sold at a good price and lower quality goods are sold at a lower price. above principle animates his business manner. Here is an example of him as a trader / seller:

1. Should not lie and deceive buyers.
2. Look for a reasonable profit. If the buyer asks, specify the price of capital
3. To customers who are not able to pay cash (cash), give them time to pay it off. If he really can not afford to pay after the withdrawal deadline period, when he was tried, then ikhlaskanlah
4. Avoid excessive swearing, perjury especially to trick consumers
5. Commit the transaction if there has been an agreement between the seller and the buyer
6. Perform the weighing and dosing correctly and precisely as possible
7. Keep in mind that the buyer pays in advance that he should not sell it before the stuff really belong to him (paid off first)
8. Do not make a monopoly of trade transactions, provide another opportunity to trade as well.

Hopefully  the Messenger of Commerce Business Success How useful to you all.

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