Kamis, 12 Desember 2013

Primacy Become Entrepreneurs

What virtues or Privileged To Be An Entrepreneur? Examples of Successful Entrepreneurs Becoming Muslim Fashion.

Why become entrepreneurs? Being a businessman is a necessity for success next world, not only for being a financial income or financial entrepreneur is not limited, but it is more important is to be an entrepreneur is a noble sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. Whatever type of business, the important thing is becoming a legitimate business and the benefits for many people. Do you become a restaurant entrepreneur brain whale meatballs, fried rice chilli fiend entrepreneurs, pecel jumbo catfish, merchant or your tempeh into instant noodle manufacturer, gold mining entrepreneur, entrepreneur franchises, oil businessman, owner of fertilizer plants, aircraft factories, automotive factories, or car showroom owners, etc.. As long as you trade or bewirausaha, then you are an entrepreneur. Due to so important a discussion of the business or businesses, then in order to motivate yourself and you are all to be a successful entrepreneur next world, then this opportunity I would like to be an entrepreneur some important advantages as follows: 1. Becoming Entrepreneurs Mean Implement Rasululluh Noble Sunnah of the Prophet is a Successful Entrepreneur, who learn a trade since the age of 13 years with his uncle, Abu Tholib businessman. Messenger of Allah said: "The best of the work is the work of a man with his hand and every transaction that they Mabrur." (Narrated by Ahmad) Become a Successful Entrepreneur not mean just for the sake of money or property, but the property more, we could be more helpful for people in need. Prophet Muhammad was once a successful entrepreneur, and he made ​​his success to help the poor and those who need. Many of our brothers who until now have been deprived of life and depend on alms, zakat, and a helping hand to others. By having more fortune, then we can more alms and charity. Is not hand over the hand is better than under? Did not help those who lack sufficient not only to prayer, but also action from us? 2. Time For Your Family More and Dynamic (set yourself) Being self-employment, you will have a flexible time (not bound). Unlike the office hours that have set the standard hours of work each day. You also do not need to bother overtime at the office. This course will benefit you and your family. Time to gather with family becomes much more. Not P4 (go home early evening, earning barely fit fitting. actually we alone have the right to choose what we will do. Become entrepreneurs, have the freedom of choice set. Wilderness, would open the culinary business, nothing prohibits, would like to open a business distribution, legitimate so long as he likes and is able, willing to go to farms, etc. any kind may, at will, according passion and hobby we can, fun is not it? Then, we are free to set our own time. should not come to work early and go home late as did the office. Timing is our prerogative bro. we can set the time with family, time with friends, time to meet our hobbies, and our working time freely when we become entrepreneurs. All under our control . course will be felt at all when things happen unexpectedly that requires us to 'be present' in there, such as a close relative when we are sick, we can directly take the time to help, without hesitation, without the consent procedures, because , once again, it is we who set our own time. Honestly, when it favors the freedom of all. 3. Opens Job Opportunities In fact, the number of unemployed in our country is still very much, even more than 15 million people. Than just graduated from elementary school to high school, even college graduates. So that this country needs people who not only can apply for a job, but also are able to provide employment to many people. unemployment that they need to live a more feasible, in terms of basic needs as a human being met and actualization he was empowered. Would not every person has the right to a better life? Would not be more fun if success is achieved jointly with others, not be achieved alone and let others around us are powerless? was not very soothing when we can support many at least keep their family kitchens remain 'ngepul' every day? If business starts growing lived, you can open job opportunities for anyone. Besides being able to help lead the effort applied, this can create career opportunities for others. means that you have given kesejhateraan and benefits for other people. 4. Has Own Revenues Opening the business can certainly help your own income. By doing so, you can also help add to the savings of future together. Gain obtained can actually be greater than the salary of employees in an office that has been determined . 5. Relations or Business Friend The Area Being entrepreneurial gives you the opportunity to meet with many people. It also can help you to add relationships. Increasingly banyaknetwork (tissue) obtained partnerships can actually make the business run more successful. "many many friends sustenance. 6. insight or knowledge you Grow Not just relationships and increasing your income, but your insight and your knowledge will grow and grow. example insights about the economic and social development, or business-related insights. thing you can also get from people who encountered or relations. door sustenance is not science, and the world hereafter rich solutions. By becoming entrepreneurs will form a unique and interesting character, has extensive knowledge since every day could meet many people with different backgrounds- different. Employers are required to know about the economic, political, social and cultural circumstances, population, global conditions, etc. although a little, but holistic. character other than the entrepreneur is his courage in taking risks. Going where we otherwise dare to take some risks, even not dare ngembil decision? Ya'll just stuck in place. 7. Hobbies channeledSuccessful business started from a hobby business, for example, you like fishing, then you make a business inducement factory or shop needs inducement. you love football, then you make business Bolla factory or sports supply stores, etc.. Generally entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship started from a hobby. example have a hobby cook, sew, or even a hobby, then it became a restaurant or fashion entrepreneur. Besides channeled hobby, a business carried feels lighter. From hobby you can earn that much. then do not waste your hobby. Becoming an entrepreneur was, once again, more fun. Why? We can freely use all the potential that we have now self entrepreneurship. I am sure, each of us has the potential and passion that not only one, but an assortment. Someone who likes art, sports, and social smelled. Anybody good at accounting but also expertly playing the piano, even like farming. Wah, all kinds, and will be a pity when we have a variety of skills that ultimately much should we sacrifice in order to pursue a career that requires specialization. example, in the world of work, there is an employee who is good at financial matters and actually has the ability to also in the field of marketing. moment he proposed marketing ideas for the company, his boss will usually said, "you work in finance, marketing existing problems of his own team, try to focus on your areas first." Walah-walah, ya bother. was the name of murder and passion potential. Currently we have 90 points, but the ability can only be used 40 points, what it feels like? Being entrepreneurs, we can freely empower our abilities and strength, with no limit. we got 100 points, so we use one hundred and a hundred of his all. Did not we have to be grateful for ALL the grace that HE gave to us?Complete info Boarding School Featured (Islamic Boarding School) junior Information Technology Special Mulia Putra Palace. Based Islamic School Quran and Information Technology (Mandatory Bring a laptop). boarding school free online business, free expression, free talents, free of pollution near the mountains and the sea), free costs for orphans and poor achievement. Want? wiwit@im-travel.co.id. http://www.smp-im.com/2012/12/info-lengkap-psb-smp-it_10.html

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