Kamis, 12 Desember 2013

8 Principles of Successful Entrepreneurs Successful Muslim

1. Should not lie and deceive buyers. 
2. Look for a reasonable profit. If the buyer asks, specify the price of capital 
3. To customers who are not able to pay cash (cash), give them time to pay it off. If he really can not afford to pay after the withdrawal deadline period, when he was tried, then ikhlaskanlah 4. Avoid excessive swearing, perjury especially to trick consumers 5.Commit the transaction if there has been an agreement between the seller and the buyer 6.Perform the weighing and dosing correctly and precisely as possible 7. Keep in mind that the buyer pays in advance that he should not sell it before the stuff really belong to him (paid off first) 8. Do not make a monopoly of trade transactions, provide another opportunity to trade as well.

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